Dependable Hydraulics
The Best For the Job

Dependable Hydraulics Team can repair, rebuild, and they stock a large variety of mobile hydraulic products with a heavy emphasis on your truck needs.

 Repair Services

Component Repair Services


Accumulator Repair

Aerial Device Repair




Equipment Repair

Gear Boxes

Hoses Pumps

Hydraulic Jacks

Knuckle Booms

Machine Shop



Onsite Repairs

On Site Repairs

Phumatic Components


Press Repairs

Power Steering Components

Power Take Offs (PTO’s)

Power Units

Starts All

Tail Gates

Testing ANSI / OSHA

Truck Repair



Equipment Repair Services


Truck Equipment

Mass Transit Equipment

Aerial Devices

Snow Plow Trucks

Off Road Heavy Equipment


Refuge Equipment

Municipal Equipment

Vacuum Equipment

Fire Trucks



In addition Dependable has lots and lots of related products such as Check valves, Gauges, Breather caps, T-bolt clamps, hose barb adapters, Spring guard for hose,  various pump parts and much, much more.

Visit their showroom where they sell seals, components, and hose assemblies while you wait. Dependable Hydraulics provides free pick-up and delivery to your facility daily.

Dependable Hydraulics offer an open door policy to all their customers and encourage you to come down to their facility for an in-house tour. At this time you will be able to witness some of the work they perform, see their state of the art computer system, tear down procedures, full rebuilds and the final testing procedures on various components.